知归守望 Zhigui Shouwang
Design Guidance_Bosen
Time To Market_2023
隆合茶业·三十周年纪念茶, 是其对三十载漫长岁月的一次总结与期许。产品采用茶砖的形式,1:1复刻城墙砖,传承大宋茶砖的千年茶韵。
"Zhigui Shouwang" is Longhe Tea's 30th anniversary commemorative tea, which is a summary and expectation of the long 30 years. This product adopts the form of tea bricks, 1:1 replica of the city wall bricks, inheriting the thousand-year tea charm of the Song Dynasty tea bricks.
As an important brand anniversary product, the packaging continues and emphasizes the brand tone-the retro style of the Republic of China. The box type adopts a bullet wooden box with both display and collection functions. The necessary text of the packaging is organized in the form of "stamps", such as "Zhigui Shouwang, 30th Anniversary, 1993, Longhe Tea, Shoumei, etc.", with the auxiliary retro layout and mottled treatment, to convey the years of Longhe's 30th anniversary commemorative tea.