千秋一白 Qianqiu Yibai

Time To Market_2023



注 · “中国高端文化茶”称号由弗若斯特沙利文,基于2022年中国高端文化茶行业比较研究结果做出的确认,颁发日期2023年8月。

Zhu Zi has been around for thousands of years, and the cultural heritage is passed down with sincerity; Hundred years of tea making, the family skills are constantly improving; Zhu Zi's descendants, tea making family; use tea to pay respect and unite the world.

The brand is positioned as "Chinese high-end cultural tea", so "ancient books" are used as a medium to spread tea and Confucian culture, and the brand box type - book-shaped box is extracted from this. At the same time, the necessary text information of the package is typeset in the form of "bookmarks" in ancient books, and the product slogan is presented with seals as an auxiliary. The title page continues the layout of ancient books, combined with traditional fishtail, boundary lines, and frame elements, and uses cotton paper to create the experience of flipping through ancient books. 

Note · The title of "China's high-end cultural tea" is confirmed by Frost & Sullivan based on the results of the comparative study of China's high-end cultural tea industry in 2022, and the date of issuance is August 2023.

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