湮灭 Annihilation

Design Guidance_Bosen
Time To Market_2021


雕塑家王俨作品之一,这件作品由木材碳化而成,脱胎自一件球鞋收藏中具有代表性的AJ one。这双鞋背后有过关于乔丹与他的时代故事,成为球鞋收藏行为中传递的圣火,人们如同忠诚的信徒,用金钱与追逐将圣火高举。


Wood is born in fire, destroyed in fire, and reborn in fire. When things are carbonized, reshaped, numbered, and held by people, this series of actions seems to be annotating countless cycles.

One of the works of sculptor Wang Yan, this work is made of carbonized wood and is derived from a representative AJ one in the sneaker collection. Behind this pair of shoes is a story about Jordan and his era, which has become the sacred fire passed in the sneaker collection behavior. People, like loyal believers, use money and pursuit to hold the sacred fire high.

The font design starts with the word "annihilation" to create a dissipated effect, intuitively presenting its original meaning of "destruction and disappearance", and at the same time takes the laser images that appear repeatedly in the movie "Annihilation", using black paper hot laser black. The product is extracted from practical items, and after carbon molding, it presents the form of another object, while retaining the shoelaces and labels, blurring the boundaries between the work and the object.

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